Acoular 24.07 documentation


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class acoular.environments.OpenJet

Bases: FlowField

Provides an analytical approximation of the flow field of an open jet.

See [2] for details.


This is not a fully generic implementation and is limited to flow in the x-direction only. No other directions are possible at the moment and flow components in the other direction are zero.

v0 = Float(0.0, desc='exit velocity')

Exit velocity at jet origin, i.e. the nozzle. Defaults to 0.

origin = CArray(dtype=float64, shape=(3,), value=array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), desc='center of nozzle')

Location of the nozzle center, defaults to the co-ordinate origin.

D = Float(0.2, desc='nozzle diameter')

Diameter of the nozzle, defaults to 0.2 .

l = Float(6.2, desc='flow establishment length')  # noqa: E741

Nondimensional length of zone of flow establishment (jet core length), defaults to 6.2


Provides the flow field as a function of the location. This is implemented here only for a jet in x-direction and the y- and z-components are set to zero.

xxarray of floats of shape (3, )

Location in the fluid for which to provide the data.

tuple with two elements

The first element in the tuple is the velocity vector and the second is the Jacobian of the velocity vector field, both at the given location.

«  FlowField   ::   environments   ::   RotatingFlow  »