Acoular 24.07 documentation


«  calib   ::   calib   ::   configuration  »


class acoular.calib.Calib

Bases: HasPrivateTraits

Container for calibration data in *.xml format.

This class serves as interface to load calibration data for the used microphone array. The calibration factors are stored as [Pa/unit].

from_file = File(filter=['*.xml'], desc='name of the xml file to import')

Name of the .xml file to be imported.

basename = Property(depends_on='from_file', desc='basename of xml file')

Basename of the .xml-file. Readonly / is set automatically.

num_mics = CLong(0, desc='number of microphones in the geometry')

Number of microphones in the calibration data, is set automatically / read from file.

data = CArray(desc='calibration data')

Array of calibration factors, is set automatically / read from file.


Loads the calibration data from *.xml file .

«  calib   ::   calib   ::   configuration  »