Acoular 24.07 documentation


«  configuration   ::   configuration   ::   acoular.configuration.config  »


class acoular.configuration.Config

Bases: HasStrictTraits

Implements the global configuration of the Acoular package.

An instance of this class can be accessed for adjustment of the following properties. General caching behaviour can be controlled by global_caching. The package used to read and write .h5 files can be specified by h5library.

global_caching = Property()

Flag that globally defines caching behaviour of Acoular classes defaults to ‘individual’.

  • ‘individual’: Acoular classes handle caching behavior individually.

  • ‘all’: Acoular classes cache everything and read from cache if possible.

  • ‘none’: Acoular classes do not cache results. Cachefiles are not created.

  • ‘readonly’: Acoular classes do not actively cache, but read from cache if existing.

  • ‘overwrite’: Acoular classes replace existing cachefile content with new data.

h5library = Property()

Flag that globally defines package used to read and write .h5 files defaults to ‘pytables’. It is also possible to set it to ‘tables’, which is an alias for ‘pytables’. If ‘pytables’ can not be imported, ‘h5py’ is used.

cache_dir = Property()

Defines the path to the directory containing Acoulars cache files. If the specified cache_dir directory does not exist, it will be created. cache_dir defaults to current session path.

td_dir = Property()

Defines the working directory containing data files. Used only by WriteH5 class. Defaults to current session path.

use_traitsui = Property()

Boolean Flag that determines whether user has access to traitsui features. Defaults to False.

have_tables = Property()

Boolean Flag that determines whether tables is installed.

have_h5py = Property()

Boolean Flag that determines whether h5py is installed.

have_matplotlib = Property()

Boolean Flag that determines whether matplotlib is installed.

have_pylops = Property()

Boolean Flag that determines whether pylops is installed.

have_sounddevice = Property()

Boolean Flag that determines whether sounddevice is installed.

have_traitsui = Property()

Boolean Flag that determines whether the package is installed.

«  configuration   ::   configuration   ::   acoular.configuration.config  »