Acoular 24.10 documentation


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class acoular.grids.Grid

Bases: HasPrivateTraits

Virtual base class for grid geometries.

Defines the common interface for all grid classes and provides facilities to query grid properties and related data. This class may be used as a base for specialized grid implementaions. It should not be used directly as it contains no real functionality.

size = Property(desc='overall number of grid points')

Overall number of grid points. Readonly; is set automatically when other grid defining properties are set

shape = Property(desc='grid shape as tuple')

Shape of grid. Readonly, gives the shape as tuple, useful for cartesian grids

gpos = Property(desc='x, y, z positions of grid points')

Grid positions as (3, size) array of floats, without invalid microphones; readonly.


Calculates grid co-ordinates. Deprecated; use gpos attribute instead. The pos() method will be removed in version 25.01.

array of floats of shape (3, size)

The grid point x, y, z-coordinates in one array.


Queries the indices for a subdomain in the grid.

Allows arbitrary subdomains of type Sector


Sector describing the subdomain.

2-tuple of arrays of integers or of numpy slice objects

The indices that can be used to mask/select the grid subdomain from an array with the same shape as the grid.

«  grids   ::   grids   ::   RectGrid  »