Acoular 24.10 documentation


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class acoular.microphones.MicGeom

Bases: HasPrivateTraits

Provides the geometric arrangement of microphones in the array.

The geometric arrangement of microphones is read in from an xml-source with element tag names pos and attributes Name, x, y and z. Can also be used with programmatically generated arrangements.

from_file = File(filter=['*.xml'], desc='name of the xml file to import')

Name of the .xml-file from wich to read the data.

validate_file = Bool(True, desc='Validate mic geom from file')

Validate mic geom from file

basename = Property(depends_on='from_file', desc='basename of xml file')

Basename of the .xml-file, without the extension; is set automatically / readonly.

invalid_channels = ListInt(desc='list of invalid channels')

List that gives the indices of channels that should not be considered. Defaults to a blank list.

num_mics = Property(depends_on=['mpos'], desc='number of microphones in the geometry')

Number of microphones in the array; readonly.

center = Property(depends_on=['mpos'], desc='array center')

Center of the array (arithmetic mean of all used array positions); readonly.

aperture = Property(depends_on=['mpos'], desc='array aperture')

Aperture of the array (greatest extent between two microphones); readonly.

mpos_tot = CArray(dtype=float, desc='x, y, z position of all microphones')

Positions as (3, num_mics) array of floats, may include also invalid microphones (if any). Set either automatically on change of the from_file argument or explicitely by assigning an array of floats.

mpos = Property(depends_on=['mpos_tot', 'invalid_channels'], desc='x, y, z position of microphones')

Positions as (3, num_mics) array of floats, without invalid microphones; readonly.


Import the microphone positions from .xml file. Called when basename changes.


Export the microphone positions to .xml file.


Name of the file to which the microphone positions are written.

«  microphones   ::   microphones   ::   process  »