Acoular 25.01 documentation


«  signals   ::   signals   ::   PeriodicSignalGenerator  »


class acoular.signals.SignalGenerator

Bases: ABCHasStrictTraits

Virtual base class for a simple one-channel signal generator.

Defines the common interface for all SignalGenerator classes. This class may be used as a base for specialized SignalGenerator implementations. It should not be used directly as it contains no real functionality.

sample_freq = Float(1.0, desc='sampling frequency')

Sampling frequency of the signal.

num_samples = CInt

Number of samples to generate.

abstract signal()

Deliver the signal.


Delivers the signal resampled with a multiple of the sampling freq.

Uses fourier transform method for resampling (from scipy.signal).


The factor defines how many times the new sampling frequency is larger than sample_freq.

array of floats

The resulting signal of length factor * num_samples.

«  signals   ::   signals   ::   PeriodicSignalGenerator  »