Acoular 24.10 documentation


«  FiltFreqWeight   ::   tprocess   ::   WriteWAV  »


class acoular.tprocess.OctaveFilterBank

Bases: FilterBank

Octave or third-octave filter bank.

lband = Int(21, desc='lowest band center frequency index')

Lowest band center frequency index; defaults to 21 (=125 Hz).

hband = Int(40, desc='lowest band center frequency index')

Lowest band center frequency index + 1; defaults to 40 (=8000 Hz).

fraction = Trait('Octave', {'Octave': 1, 'Third octave': 3}, desc='fraction of octave')

Octave fraction: ‘Octave’ or ‘Third octave’; defaults to ‘Octave’.

ba = Property(depends_on=['lband', 'hband', 'fraction', 'source.digest'])

List of filter coefficients for all filters

bands = Property(depends_on=['lband', 'hband', 'fraction'])

List of labels for bands

numbands = Property(depends_on=['lband', 'hband', 'fraction'])

Number of bands

«  FiltFreqWeight   ::   tprocess   ::   WriteWAV  »