Acoular 25.01 documentation

Code Quality Standards

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Code Quality Standards

Acoular requires a high standard of code quality, and we test if these requirements are met via Continuous Integration (CI) with GitHub Actions.

Currently, three main checks are performed on the code:

  1. Linting and Formatting: The code must be correctly formatted and free of linting errors.

  2. Documentation Compilation: The documentation must be correctly compiled without errors.

  3. Testing: The tests must pass without errors.

We recommend running these checks before submitting a pull request. This can be done locally or on a GitHub runner. The latter is possible by using the workflow_dispatch event from the desired branch holding the changes. To do this, go to the Actions tab in the forked GitHub repository, select the Tests workflow and press the Run workflow button.

Linting and Formatting

Acoular primarily follows the coding style of PEP8. To verify that the code meets the PEP8 standard, we use the ruff code linter and formatter. Configurations for the ruff code checker are contained in .ruff.toml file.

The source code must be correctly formatted and free of linting errors. You can check your code locally by running the following command:

hatch fmt --check

which should return:

All checks passed!

Documentation Compilation

The package documentation is provided under acoular/docs/source. This directory contains the index.rst file, which is the root document embedding several other subdocuments (sub-pages).

You can check if the documentation can be compiled without errors by running

hatch run docs:build

which should end with the following message:

Build finished. The HTML pages are in build/html.


Acoular provides several tests to ensure the correct functionality of the package at different Python versions. The tests are located in the acoular/tests directory.

To run the tests locally, execute the following command:

hatch run tests:test

Note that the tests are executed on different Python versions and take several minutes to complete.

To check a specific Python version only, the command can be modified to:

hatch -v run +py=3.11 tests:test

Here the tests will be executed for the Python version 3.11 only. The -v flag increases verbosity.

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