Acoular 24.03 documentation

Rotating point source

«  Airfoil in open jet – CMF   ::   Examples   ::   3D beamforming  »

Rotating point source

This example demonstrates a simple approach to beamforming on a rotating source.


The script produces three figures:


Results for a time domain beamformer with fixed focus


Results for a time domain beamformer with focus moving along a circle trajectory


Time-averaged results for different beamformers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Example "Rotating point source" for Acoular library.

Demonstrates the use of acoular for a point source 
moving on a circle trajectory.

Uses synthesized data.

Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Acoular Development Team.
All rights reserved.
from __future__ import print_function

import acoular

from os import path
import sys
from numpy import empty, clip, sqrt, arange, log10, sort, array, pi, zeros, \
hypot, cos, sin, linspace, hstack, cross, dot, newaxis
from numpy.linalg import norm
from acoular import td_dir, L_p, TimeSamples, Calib, MicGeom, PowerSpectra, \
RectGrid, BeamformerBase, BeamformerEig, BeamformerOrth, BeamformerCleansc, \
MaskedTimeSamples, FiltFiltOctave, Trajectory, BeamformerTimeSq, TimeAverage, \
BeamformerTimeSqTraj, \
TimeCache, FiltOctave, BeamformerTime, TimePower, IntegratorSectorTime, \
PointSource, MovingPointSource, SineGenerator, WNoiseGenerator, Mixer, WriteWAV, \
SteeringVector, BeamformerCleantSqTraj

from pylab import subplot, imshow, show, colorbar, plot, transpose, figure, \
psd, axis, xlim, ylim, title, tight_layout, text

# some important definitions

freq = 6144.0*3/128.0 # frequency of interest (114 Hz)
sfreq = 6144.0/2 # sampling frequency (3072 Hz)
r = 3.0 # array radius
R = 2.5 # radius of source trajectory
Z = 4 # distance of source trajectory from 
rps = 15.0/60. # revolutions per second
U = 3.0 # total number of revolutions

# construct the trajectory for the source

tr = Trajectory()
tr1 = Trajectory()
tmax = U/rps
delta_t = 1./rps/16.0 # 16 steps per revolution
for t in arange(0, tmax*1.001, delta_t):
    i = t* rps * 2 * pi #angle
    # define points for trajectory spline
    tr.points[t] = (R*cos(i), R*sin(i), Z) # anti-clockwise rotation
    tr1.points[t] = (R*cos(i), R*sin(i), Z) # anti-clockwise rotation

# define circular microphone array

m = MicGeom()
# set 28 microphone positions
m.mpos_tot = array([(r*sin(2*pi*i+pi/4), r*cos(2*pi*i+pi/4), 0) \
    for i in linspace(0.0, 1.0, 28, False)]).T

# define the different source signals
if sys.version_info > (3,):
     long = int
nsamples = long(sfreq*tmax)
n1 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples)
s1 = SineGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, freq=freq)
s2 = SineGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, freq=freq, \

# define the moving source and one fixed source

p0 = MovingPointSource(signal=s1, mics=m, trajectory=tr1)
#t = p0 # use only moving source
p1 = PointSource(signal=n1, mics=m,  loc=(0,R,Z))
t = Mixer(source = p0, sources = [p1,]) # mix both signals
#t = p1 # use only fix source

# uncomment to save the signal to a wave file
#ww = WriteWAV(source = t)
#ww.channels = [0,14]

# fixed focus frequency domain beamforming

f = PowerSpectra(time_data=t, window='Hanning', overlap='50%', block_size=128, \
    ind_low=1,ind_high=30) # CSM calculation 
g = RectGrid(x_min=-3.0, x_max=+3.0, y_min=-3.0, y_max=+3.0, z=Z, increment=0.3)

st = SteeringVector(grid=g, mics=m)
b = BeamformerBase(freq_data=f, steer=st, r_diag=True)
map1 = b.synthetic(freq,3)

# fixed focus time domain beamforming
fi = FiltFiltOctave(source=t, band=freq, fraction='Third octave')
bt = BeamformerTimeSq(source=fi, steer=st, r_diag=True)
avgt = TimeAverage(source=bt, naverage=int(sfreq*tmax/16)) # 16 single images
cacht = TimeCache(source=avgt) # cache to prevent recalculation
map2 = zeros(g.shape) # accumulator for average
# plot single frames
i = 1
for res in cacht.result(1):
    res0 = res[0].reshape(g.shape)
    map2 += res0 # average
    i += 1  
    mx = L_p(res0.max())
    imshow(L_p(transpose(res0)), vmax=mx, vmin=mx-10, interpolation='nearest',\
        extent=g.extend(), origin='lower')
map2 /= i

text(0.4,0.25,'fixed\nfocus', fontsize=15, ha='center')

# moving focus time domain beamforming

# new grid needed, the trajectory starts at origin and is oriented towards +x
# thus, with the circular movement assumed, the center of rotation is at (0,2.5)
g1 = RectGrid(x_min=-3.0, x_max=+3.0, y_min=-1.0, y_max=+5.0, z=0, \
    increment=0.3)# grid point of origin is at trajectory (thus z=0)
st1 = SteeringVector(grid=g1, mics=m)
# beamforming with trajectory (rvec axis perpendicular to trajectory)
bts = BeamformerTimeSqTraj(source=fi, steer=st1, trajectory=tr, \
    rvec = array((0,0,1.0)))
avgts = TimeAverage(source=bts, naverage=int(sfreq*tmax/16)) # 16 single images
cachts = TimeCache(source=avgts) # cache to prevent recalculation
map3 = zeros(g1.shape) # accumulator for average
# plot single frames
i = 1
for res in cachts.result(1):
    res0 = res[0].reshape(g1.shape)
    map3 += res0 # average
    i += 1  
    mx = L_p(res0.max())
    imshow(L_p(transpose(res0)), vmax=mx, vmin=mx-10, interpolation='nearest',\
        extent=g1.extend(), origin='lower')
map3 /= i

text(0.4,0.25,'moving\nfocus', fontsize=15, ha='center')

# moving focus time domain deconvolution
# beamforming with trajectory (rvec axis perpendicular to trajectory)
bct = BeamformerCleantSqTraj(source=fi, steer=st1, trajectory=tr, \
    rvec = array((0,0,1.0)), n_iter=5)
avgct = TimeAverage(source=bct, naverage=int(sfreq*tmax/16)) # 16 single images
cachct = TimeCache(source=avgct) # cache to prevent recalculation
map4 = zeros(g1.shape) # accumulator for average
# plot single frames

i = 1
for res in cachct.result(1):
    res0 = res[0].reshape(g1.shape)
    map4 += res0 # average
    i += 1  
    mx = L_p(res0.max())
    imshow(L_p(transpose(res0)), vmax=mx, vmin=mx-10, interpolation='nearest',\
        extent=g1.extend(), origin='lower')
map4 /= i

text(0.4,0.25,'moving\nfocus\ndeconvolution', fontsize=15, ha='center')

# compare all three results

mx = L_p(map1.max())
imshow(L_p(transpose(map1)), vmax=mx, vmin=mx-10, interpolation='nearest',\
    extent=g.extend(), origin='lower')
title('frequency domain\n fixed focus')
mx = L_p(map2.max())
imshow(L_p(transpose(map2)), vmax=mx, vmin=mx-10, interpolation='nearest',\
    extent=g.extend(), origin='lower')
title('time domain\n fixed focus')
mx = L_p(map3.max())
imshow(L_p(transpose(map3)), vmax=mx, vmin=mx-10, interpolation='nearest',\
    extent=g.extend(), origin='lower')
title('time domain\n moving focus')
mx = L_p(map4.max())
imshow(L_p(transpose(map4)), vmax=mx, vmin=mx-10, interpolation='none',\
    extent=g.extend(), origin='lower')
title('time domain\n deconvolution (moving focus)')


# only display result on screen if this script is run directly
if __name__ == '__main__': show()

«  Airfoil in open jet – CMF   ::   Examples   ::   3D beamforming  »