Acoular 24.10 documentation


«  RFFT   ::   fprocess   ::   AutoPowerSpectra  »


class acoular.fprocess.IRFFT

Bases: TimeOut

Calculates the inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for one-sided multi-channel spectra.

source = Instance(SpectraGenerator)

Data source; SpectraGenerator or derived object.

workers = Union(Int(), None, default_value=None, desc='number of workers to use')

Number of workers to use for the FFT calculation. If negative values are used, all available logical CPUs will be considered (scipy.fft.rfft implementation wraps around from os.cpu_count()). Default is None (handled by scipy)

precision = Trait('float64', 'float32', desc='precision of the time signal after the ifft')

The floating-number-precision of the resulting time signals, corresponding to numpy dtypes. Default is 64 bit.

numsamples = Property(depends_on='source.numsamples, source._block_size')

Number of time samples in the output.


Python generator that yields the output block-wise.


This parameter defines the size of the blocks to be yielded (i.e. the number of samples per block). The last block may be shorter than num.


Yields blocks of shape (num, numchannels).

«  RFFT   ::   fprocess   ::   AutoPowerSpectra  »