Acoular 24.10 documentation


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class acoular.fprocess.RFFT

Bases: BaseSpectra, SpectraOut

Provides the one-sided Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for real-valued multichannel time data.

The FFT is calculated block-wise, i.e. the input data is divided into blocks of length block_size and the FFT is calculated for each block. Optionally, a window function can be applied to the data before the FFT calculation via the window attribute.

source = Instance(SamplesGenerator)

Data source; SamplesGenerator or derived object.

workers = Union(Int(), None, default_value=None, desc='number of workers to use')

Number of workers to use for the FFT calculation. If negative values are used, all available logical CPUs will be considered (scipy.fft.rfft implementation wraps around from os.cpu_count()). Default is None (handled by scipy)

scaling = Enum('none', 'energy', 'amplitude')

Scaling method, either ‘amplitude’, ‘energy’ or none. Default is none. ‘energy’: compensates for the energy loss due to truncation of the FFT result. The resulting one-sided spectrum is multiplied by 2.0, except for the DC and Nyquist frequency. ‘amplitude’: scales the one-sided spectrum so that the amplitude of discrete tones does not depend on the block size.

block_size = Property()

block size of the FFT. Default is 1024.

numfreqs = Property(depends_on='_block_size')

Number of frequencies in the output.

numsamples = Property(depends_on='source.numsamples, _block_size')

Number of snapshots in the output.

freqs = Property()

1-D array of FFT sample frequencies.


Python generator that yields the output block-wise.


This parameter defines the number of multi-channel spectra (i.e. snapshots) per block returned by the generator.

Spectra block of shape (num, numchannels`*:attr:`numfreqs).

The last block may be shorter than num.

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