Acoular 24.10 documentation


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class acoular.process.Average

Bases: InOut

Calculates the average across consecutive time samples or frequency snapshots.

The average operation is performed differently depending on the source type. If the source is a time domain source (e.g. derived from SamplesGenerator), the average is calculated over a certain number of time samples given by naverage. If the source is a frequency domain source (e.g. derived from SpectraGenerator), the average is calculated over a certain number of snapshots given by naverage.


For estimate the RMS of a white noise (time-domain) signal, the average of the squared signal can be calculated:

>>> import acoular as ac
>>> import numpy as np
>>> signal = ac.WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=51200, numsamples=51200, rms=2.0).signal()
>>> ts = ac.TimeSamples(data=signal[:, np.newaxis], sample_freq=51200)
>>> tp = ac.TimePower(source=ts)
>>> avg = ac.Average(source=tp, naverage=512)
>>> mean_squared_value = next(avg.result(num=1))
>>> rms = np.sqrt(mean_squared_value)[0, 0]
>>> print(rms)

Here, each evaluation of the generator created by the result() method of the Average object via the next() function returns num=1 average across a snapshot of 512 samples.

If the source is a frequency domain source, the average is calculated over a certain number of snapshots, defined by naverage.

>>> fft = ac.RFFT(source=ts, block_size=64)
>>> ps = ac.AutoPowerSpectra(source=fft)
>>> avg = ac.Average(source=ps, naverage=16)
>>> mean_power = next(avg.result(num=1))
>>> print(np.sqrt(mean_power.sum()))

Here, the generator created by the result() method of the Average object returns the average across 16 snapshots in the frequency domain.

naverage = Int(64, desc='number of samples to average over')

Number of samples (time domain source) or snapshots (frequency domain source) to average over, defaults to 64.

sample_freq = Property(depends_on='source.sample_freq, naverage')

Sampling frequency of the output signal, is set automatically.

numsamples = Property(depends_on='source.numsamples, naverage')

Number of samples (time domain) or snapshots (frequency domain) of the output signal. Is set automatically.


Python generator that yields the output block-wise.


This parameter defines the size of the blocks to be yielded (i.e. the number of samples per block).

Average of the output of source.

Yields samples in blocks of shape (num, numchannels). The last block may be shorter than num.

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