Acoular 24.10 documentation


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class acoular.process.Cache

Bases: InOut

Caches source output in cache file.

This class is used to cache the output of a acoular.base.Generator derived source object in a cache file to circumvent time-consuming re-calculation. The cache file is created in the Acoular cache directory.


>>> import acoular as ac
>>> import numpy as np
>>> ac.config.h5library = 'tables'
>>> data = np.random.rand(1024, 1)
>>> ts = ac.TimeSamples(data=data, sample_freq=51200)
>>> fft = ac.RFFT(source=ts, block_size=1024)
>>> cache = ac.Cache(source=fft)  # cache the output of the FFT in cache file
>>> for block in cache.result(num=1):  # read the cached data block-wise
...     print(block.shape)
[('_cache.h5', 1)]
(1, 513)

The caching behaviour can be controlled by the Config instance via the global_caching attribute. To turn off caching, set global_caching to ‘none’ before running the code. The cache file directory can be obtained (and set) via the cache_dir

>>> ac.config.global_caching = 'none'

Python generator that yields the output from cache block-wise.


This parameter defines the size of the blocks to be yielded (i.e. the number of samples per block).

Samples in blocks of shape (num, numchannels).

The last block may be shorter than num. Echos the source output, but reads it from cache when available and prevents unnecassary recalculation.

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