Acoular 25.01 documentation


«  PeriodicSignalGenerator   ::   signals   ::   WNoiseGenerator  »


class acoular.signals.NoiseGenerator

Bases: SignalGenerator

Abstract base class for noise signal generators.

Defines the common interface for all SignalGenerator classes with noise signals. This class may be used as a base for class handling noise signals that can be characterized by their RMS amplitude. It should not be used directly as it contains no real functionality.

rms = Float(1.0, desc='rms amplitude')

RMS amplitude of the signal.

seed = Int(0, desc='random seed value')

Seed for random number generator, defaults to 0. This parameter should be set differently for different instances to guarantee statistically independent (non-correlated) outputs.

abstract signal()

Deliver the signal.

«  PeriodicSignalGenerator   ::   signals   ::   WNoiseGenerator  »