Acoular 24.07 documentation


«  tbeamform   ::   tbeamform   ::   BeamformerTimeTraj  »


class acoular.tbeamform.BeamformerTime

Bases: TimeInOut

Provides a basic time domain beamformer with time signal output for a spatially fixed grid.

steer = Property(desc='steering vector object')

SteeringVector or derived object. Defaults to SteeringVector object.

numchannels = Delegate('grid', 'size')

Number of channels in output (=number of grid points).

weights = Trait('none', possible_weights, desc='spatial weighting function')

Spatial weighting function.


Python generator that yields the squared deconvolved beamformer output with optional removal of autocorrelation block-wise.

numinteger, defaults to 2048

This parameter defines the size of the blocks to be yielded (i.e. the number of samples per block).

Samples in blocks of shape (num, numchannels).

numchannels is usually very large (number of grid points). The last block may be shorter than num. The output starts for signals that were emitted from the grid at t=0.

delay_and_sum(num, p_res, d_interp2, d_index, amp)

Standard delay-and-sum method.

«  tbeamform   ::   tbeamform   ::   BeamformerTimeTraj  »