Acoular 25.01 documentation


«  MaskedTimeSamples   ::   sources   ::   PointSourceDipole  »


class acoular.sources.PointSource

Bases: SamplesGenerator

Class to define a fixed point source with an arbitrary signal. This can be used in simulations.

The output is being generated via the result() generator.

signal = Instance(SignalGenerator)

Emitted signal, instance of the SignalGenerator class.

loc = Tuple((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), desc='source location')

Location of source in (x, y, z) coordinates (left-oriented system).

num_channels = Delegate('mics', 'num_mics')

Number of channels in output, is set automatically / depends on used microphone geometry.

mics = Instance(MicGeom, desc='microphone geometry')

MicGeom object that provides the microphone locations.

env = 2)

Environment or derived object, which provides information about the sound propagation in the medium.

start_t = Float(0.0, desc='signal start time')

Start time of the signal in seconds, defaults to 0 s.

start = Float(0.0, desc='sample start time')

Start time of the data acquisition at microphones in seconds, defaults to 0 s.

prepadding = Enum('loop', 'zeros', desc='Behaviour for negative time indices.')

Signal behaviour for negative time indices, i.e. if start < :attr:start_t. loop take values from the end of signal.signal() array. zeros set source signal to zero, advisable for deterministic signals. defaults to loop.

up = Int(16, desc='upsampling factor')

Upsampling factor, internal use, defaults to 16.

num_samples = Delegate('signal')

Number of samples, is set automatically / depends on signal.

sample_freq = Delegate('signal')

Sampling frequency of the signal, is set automatically / depends on signal.


Python generator that yields the output at microphones block-wise.

numinteger, defaults to 128

This parameter defines the size of the blocks to be yielded (i.e. the number of samples per block) .

Samples in blocks of shape (num, num_channels).

The last block may be shorter than num.

«  MaskedTimeSamples   ::   sources   ::   PointSourceDipole  »