Acoular 24.07 documentation


«  BeamformerTimeSqTraj   ::   tbeamform   ::   BeamformerCleantTraj  »


class acoular.tbeamform.BeamformerCleant

Bases: BeamformerTime

CLEANT deconvolution method.

An implementation of the CLEAN method in time domain. This class can only be used for static sources. See [18] for details.

r_diag = Enum(False, desc='False, as we do not remove autopower in this beamformer')

Boolean flag, always False

damp = Range(0.01, 1.0, 0.6, desc='damping factor (loop gain)')

iteration damping factor also referred as loop gain in Cousson et al. defaults to 0.6

n_iter = Int(100, desc='maximum number of iterations')

max number of iterations

«  BeamformerTimeSqTraj   ::   tbeamform   ::   BeamformerCleantTraj  »